Hey there Wild Woman

Does running your business makes you feel like an imposter?

When was the last time you thought about just quietly ghosting your clients and getting a ‘proper’ job?

Are your fears of being seen or a lack of strategy making your morning meditation just another reason to sit and procrastinate?

Why are you feeling icky about ‘showing up’ online?

And what’s really holding you back from committing to your dreams & taking aligned action?

Tarot Led Coaching (aka TLC) holds the answer. Sessions with me will help you achieve:

  • Showing up for your business as the leader you are

  • Self trust in your decision making & no more spiralling!

  • Ethical ways of attracting aligned clients that not only work but feel soul good

  • Intentional work activities so that your precious time does not go to waste

  • Running your business from a place of confidence, authority & enjoyment

Say goodbye to imposter syndrome, winging it & decision fatigue

Welcome to a new way of running a soul led business that is nurturing to yourself & others.

What needs some TLC?

Mindset | Strategy | Branding | Marketing | Support

Tarot led Coaching for Spiritual Business Owners

  • 30 min Free AWAKENING Session

    Scratch that itch & discover if Tarot led coaching floats your boat. We can use this space to chat about your business, confess how you really feel about being your own boss, I'll even pull a Tarot card to get the juices flowing & inspire deeper reflection. Have questions about 1:1 Tarot led coaching? Push the button & let me know….

  • 90mins Tarot Coaching Session ONLINE

    Experience my distinctive approach to Tarot card readings, specifically designed to support your success in the business realm. Experience an engaging session where the rich blend of coaching and Tarot unfolds seamlessly in real time, bringing forth valuable insights and guidance.

  • 4 x 1hr Tarot Coaching Sessions ONLINE

    You're a wild woman working but you're lost in the weeds. Blocked by procrastination, disconnected from your creativity or craving more freedom, time and abundance? Bring your stardust into strategy and get shit done!

  • 8 x 1hr Tarot Coaching Session ONLINE

    Working on a 60 day plan? Gift yourself the space to strategise and consciously plan your next big move.

  • 12 x 1hr Tarot Coaching Session ONLINE

    When your business needs your focus for a whole season of Growth, Change or Endings.