• Can I afford it?

    This is only something you can answer. The cost goes beyond the money investment. You’ll also be exchanging time & energy during the sessions and beyond. I know that those people who choose to work with me are committed, invested in their growth & are more likely to show up, do the work and reap the benefits. Breaking through the resistance everyone experiences about the financial cost is the first signal that you are ready to push through blocks.

  • What happens during a reading?

    The majority of my readings are done over Zoom, you’ll receive a link after you’ve booked in and paid. We will start with an open conversation about your situation & I will will have prepared from the booking form you sent. I’ll have already done a reading based on this and also sling down cards during the session to guide the conversation or directly answer any questions you have. I work intuitively and typically won’t use a traditional ‘spread’ - letting the process unfold, expanding organically in the moment. No two readings are the same. We will finish up by summarising key themes, reflections and actions for you to take away.

  • I get scared when I think about moving forward

    Yes! Been there too my friend. You could let that fear of expanding, growing & taking up space in the world stop you. This is the initiation energy we all have to address head on and let that fear know exactly who is in control here! This is a good sign that you have work to do.

  • How much time will it take?

    The session time is the bare minimum. You’ll get so much more from your session if you take time to prepare and follow through with any action steps, reflections and integration practices afterwards.

  • Who comes to you for readings?

    I attract entrepreneurs, business owners and creative/ like-minded women who know they aren’t where they want to be and crave more. More time, money, confidence, clients, experience, opportunities. More anything - it’s OK to ask for more. I’ll say that again. Its OK to want MORE.

  • Are you Psychic?

    Lets clear this up - I cannot fully explain how what I do works. I’m done trying to understand it and I sure as hell cannot explain with certainty how I channel such meaningful, resonating and sage wisdom through my readings. I always say ‘I don’t talk to dead people’ but I work with the unseen. I connect to source through the cards & the downloads & guidance just flows. And I let it. If you’re looking for a psychic medium so you can get a message from Aunty Pat - Its not me.