My 2025 Year Ahead Tarot Reading
Here is an excerpt from my journal giving you insight into my own personal 12 month tarot reading.
I write my reading as a series of encouraging notes to myself to look back on every month.
January – 4 of Swords
Claire, 2024 was a tough year to say the least. Don’t bring any of that energy into 2024. It’s time to recover from the turmoil of what was. The 4 of swords is an invitation to rest. Take time and space to process the disappointment and heartbreak. It is over now and you are safe to distance yourself and to retrieve all your soul parts that went astray. It is a permission slip to withdraw from the chaos of the outside word (setting the tone for our collective Hermit year nicely). It’s time for you to find some inner peace and head space. Only then will you be able to move forward more clearly.
February – 9 of Wands
Your wounds are also your source of strength. It’s time to dust yourself down and get back on the horse as it were. You will need to persevere to overcome the trials of the month. But you can & will do this so long as you refuse to give up! Find a reason to keep going. You are so strong. Hold your boundaries and proceed with caution. Don’t forget all that you have already survived. You got here through guts and determination. Be brave, find your stability and stand your ground!
March – 5 of Cups
What’s gone is gone. Let it go. To be sad and grief filled is normal. But do not miss out on what new joys the future can bring by being too pessimistic or sorrow fuelled. Salvage what you can, if only a lesson remains in the rubble – then take that forward. There is more than you realise working in your favour. Focusing away from the negative will take effort. Not all is lost, cut cords with the past and be grateful that you can.
April – 7 of Wands
Protect your peace. Stand up for yourself. If it’s worth it and you feel strongly then don’t back down. When faced with a challenge, don’t hesitate or fawn. Stand in your power and believe in yourself and the stance you have taken. You know your mind; don’t allow doubt to creep in. Sometimes a little confrontation goes a long way. Don’t allow people to walk all over you. You are no push over.
May – 4 of Pentacles
Take control of your finances. Find some stability and be conservative with your outgoings. Financial boundaries and guardedness will support your bigger goals. It’s time to check in with whether your approach is in balance and how your resources are helping you to grow or whether you are a bit stuck. There is a better way forward, does your financial situation give you freedom or is it a prison?
June – The Hierophant
Taurus energy. Strong & grounded energy ready to work with others to guide, teach and share. Be level headed and stick to tried and true methods. Not a time for disruption, embrace the conventional approach in all things. Play it safe this month for greatest success.
July – King of Pentacles
Maturity, reliable and competent. That’s you this month. Be a confident leader who is prosperous. Business will be good if you demonstrate your acumen along with your steadfast dependability. Be generous with your time & resources. Keep to your commitments. Fix whatever is broken. Make money & create an ambitious legacy. Keep your standards high and don’t get stagnant.
August – 8 of Pentacles
A month of hard work (summer hols!) Be dedicated to your craft and refine your processes to create ease and rinse and repeat outcomes. Be committed to doing your best. Where you focus your energy you will be rewarded. A great time to display your results and increase your reputation. Practice makes perfect so keep learning and refining.
September – Page of Pentacles
Abundance is manifested. You’ve worked so hard and it’s time to harvest all the fruits of your labour. A good time to travel or plan to. Your ambitions and goals are keeping you moving forward and upwards. You’re now on your 5th consecutive month of earth energy so work, money, health and the body has been strengthening. You have the staying power, diligence and patience to see even the dullest tasks to completion.
October – 6 of Cups
Reconnect with the joy of childhood and the home/ family. Be generous with your affections. Seek the comfort & warmth of people that love you unconditionally. A returning energy this month – to happier times, memories, places and the way things used to be. A good month to start reviewing your life, surveying clients and reflecting on the year so far and how to end it brightly.
November – 8 of Cups
After a reflective month your focus may now be shifting to the future. What is your next move? What is it time to move on from and what are you seeking now? I think you will have achieved your goals by September – be that your movement goals or business goals (eg fully booked mentoring for the rest of the year). Abandon anything that has not been emotionally in alignment and take a courageous stride towards your next ambitious goal.
December – Temperance
You have mastered the art of not letting things get to you and this has fostered an unending patience. A good time to stay balanced and avoid extremes in any situation. Stay calm and make things harmonious to generate more ease. Take a stead approach to this month and find the middle ground.
Final Thoughts
The start of the year up until May is a time to go steadily and gently as I heal and recover and continue to hold boundaries and stand my ground. From May (my birthday month) I seem to get stronger and stronger, peaking in September. Then from October I’m ready to reflect and dream bigger.
What I notice is the big chunk of pentacles or earth energy in the middle of my year. I am a fixed earth sign so this speaks to me and my energy.
The Numerology of my reading is a 6 - The Lovers - having to do with commitment. Partnerships and unity.
There is only ONE swords card for the whole year - thank fuck. And I’ll take the 4 over ANY of the others. Every time!