Thrive as a Spiritual Business Owner through the wisdom of The Tarot

Want to sell your offers without selling your soul?

I work with spiritual women on a mission to bring healing, connection & kindness to our world.

I offer support, strategy & a huge helping of spirit to take the guess work, fear & overwhelm out of it all.

Because running a business is a deeply spiritual practice.

It’s an expression of who you are and what you’re here for. If things feel difficult for you right now, don’t worry, you’re not doing business wrong, what’s more likely is that your business is doing you wrong.

Ways to work with me

  • A bundle of herbs and a deck of tarot cards along with a candle and some crystals on a table.

    Tarot Led Coaching

    Want to take an intuitive approach to creating a limitless strategy for your spiritual business? Receive my unique style of spiritual guidance & mentoring

    Strategy | Marketing | Support

  • Tarot for Business

    Card Readings to connect you a whole layer deeper to your business goals or challenges & help you step into aligned action

    Season Ahead | Money | Decisions | Empowerment | Planning | Self-Care

    and more…

  • Flatlay image of a notebook with a tarot card on top, next to an incense burner & what looks like a roll on oil perfume bottle

    Read your own Tarot Cards

    Want to learn to about Tarot?

    Whether you’re a beginner or lifelong improver, I offer a range of courses, workshops & online events for you to get shuffling & sharpen your skills

  • A brown envelope revealing a witchy looking art card along with a tart card


    Written Readings | Digital Downloads | Ritual Rugs | Tarot Wraps

    Because I’m a stitchy witch & weaver of words & I’ve created some stuff I want to share

I’m Claire

Tarot Led Spiritual Business Coach

I take female business owners from lost to limitless using a unique blend of channeled Tarot Wisdom & Leadership Coaching experience.

Because they don’t teach you how to run a thriving business at witch school!

I struggled for years with marketing, strategy and money management & I learned the hard way. Wasted time, wasted investments and marketing bro approaches that gave me the ick.

BUT my work centres around you, your purpose, inner knowing, your ethics & beliefs.

If you’ve been hiding in the shadows, as a healer, space holder or spiritual soul, my work will:

Bring you back to your power | Help you take control of your business | Dream bigger | Reduce overwhelm | Work smarter not harder